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The ‘Classified Encyclopaedia of Chess Variants’ by David Pritchard 2007, is over 350 pages long and follows the developement of chess variations from its origins in India in the 6th century CE.

The modern game and rules became established in Italy and Spain in the early 15 century. Since then and especially in the 20th century a plethora of variations were devised with multi levels/dimensions, hexagonal,circular, toroidal shapes,pieces that jump,slide, etc.etc.etc. All of these demand tolerable and/or complex adjustments to the standard game.

CHESS PLUS was created by Blake Taylor so that naturally gifted players (like him) can reduce the advantage held by bookworm chess players who play by replicating moves from past games of the chess masters.
Surprisingly CHESS+ games are as challenging as standard games and often more exciting.

The standard game is played with either 2,4 or 6 extra squares on each side.

It is by far, the simplest and most economical of all variations.

VARIATIONS on back of board
