“It is suggested that quantum mechanics has been slipping the nineteenth century luminiferous medium in again, but through the back door, and in disguise.”

  I see the reverse as well happening, where quantum mechanics is unconsciously illuminating aether theory, and even hurrying it along.

  • B4 M&M (Michelson and Morley) and B4 E (Einstein), Johann von Soldner showed a la Newton that the Sun bent passing light.
  • Inevitably, sometime in the future, Science would have measured the deflection and found it twice the expected angle.
  • Had Aetherists known about it, they would have theorized that there is a global density lens around the Sun which refracted light (a la Huygens) and slowed it down. (Bremsstrahlung shouts this at the observer).
  • Einstein hastened this extra light bending discovery by more than a century. He theorized mathematically that it was there, and was caused by ‘Space time curvature’.
  • The 1964 the Shapiro effect described radar pulses passing close to the Sun (short range) were slowing by  1/d, (hyperbola asymptote y=0), and far out (long range) by 1/ln(d), (asymptote y=1).
  • The Aetherists hold that the sbove proves there is an aether density lens around the Sun which, melds with distance into the ambient energy of free Space; moreover this underpins their axiom that free Space aether has energy.

The density lens demonstrates the fluidity of Space; fluids are viscous and viscosity is electrostatic.

  • Viscosity is affected by temperature and pressure. For liquids viscosity increases with pressure and/or temperature, whereas for gases it decreases.
  • In gases, viscosity is caused by the collision and transfer of momentum between gas molecules. The gas molecules move randomly, and as they collide with each other, they transfer their momentum, leading to the resistance of flow.

The seeming dialectric property of Space, has fostered over a century of speculation, that Space is a myriad of dipoles swimming in an ocean of Subspace.

Today the quantum physics parallels this, as it describes its ‘quantum vacuum’ as having virtual ‘bubbles’ of electron-positron pairs popping in and out of it.

  • The permittivity of a vacuum symbol ε₀ is its resistance to an electric field. In a vacuum on Earth ε₀ is 8.854 ×10^-12 f /m (farads/meter)
  • If masses have aether density lenses, Ae-theory predicts that the permittivity of a vacuum near the Sun would be (ε₀ + nΔ) and in Cosmos free Space (ε₀ – nΔ). If permittivity was zero there would be no resistance to the field, and speed of light would be impossibly infinite.

Here, since greater density of Space reduces the speed of light, then logically reducing the density increases the speed. (Theoretic Alcubierre warp drive reduces aether/Space -curvature in front of the Spaceship and augments it behind). page 298

The Gordian knot of gravity can be undone by splitting or bi-verseing the Cosmos.

  • Energy cannot be created nor destroyed, therefore it cannot start in a positive charge and end in a negative one; it must somehow be circulating.
  • There is no circuit for energy to in the 3D + t universe aka ‘one-verse’, which Science is stuck in. It must somehow find its way to the back door of the positive charge through other dimensions.

I propose there is a mirror-verse ; either an antiverse with three extra spatial dimensions, (bi-verse time is mutual) or an anti-time- verse in the dimensions are mutual.

  • Here, Z-point dipoles stream out of a positive charge under pressure; lose a little flowing through lower pressure ambient Space then get squeezed again entering a negative charge.
  • They leave pressurize by the back door of the negative charge, pass through lower pressure mirror- verse ambient Space, then are re-pressurized as they get squeezed into the positive charge by its back door, completing the bi-verse circuit.
  • A positive charge in the ‘here-verse’ is its inside-out negative charge in the mirror verse and vice versa.
  • It is an inter-dimensional dipole portal.

A mass having a density lens implies an increase in aether pressure.

  • The zone around the mass becomes more viscous and gravitational.

Equating Aetheory into the following article from LibreText presents a divergent alternative Cosmos:

  • It is the aether itself which is expanding the Cosmos, and Mass attraction which is restraining/ contracting it.
  • Aether has entropy; Mass has negentropy.


  • .

LibreTexts / Chemistry/Dipole-Dipole Interactions/

Dipole-Dipole Interactions in Macroscopic Systems:

It would seem, based on the above discussion, that in a system composed of a large number of dipolar molecules randomly interacting with one another, V should go to zero because the molecules adopt all possible orientations. Thus the negative potential energy of two molecular dipoles participating in a favorable interaction would be cancelled out by the positive energy of two molecular dipoles participating in a high potential energy interaction. Contrary to our assumption, in bulk systems, it is more probable for dipolar molecules to interact in such a way as to minimize their potential energy (i.e., dipoles

form less energetic, more probable configurations in accordance with the Boltzmann’s distribution. For instance, the partially positive area of a molecular dipole being held next to the partially positive area of a second molecular dipole is a high potential energy configuration and few molecules in the system will have sufficient energy to adopt it at room temperature. Generally, the higher potential energy configurations are only able to be populated at elevated temperatures. Therefore, the interactions of dipoles in a bulk Solution are not random, and instead adopt more probable, lower energy configurations.