The ether existed in the minds of man for at least three millennia. It was
the invisible ‘atmosphere’ and or ‘spirit’ that permeated all matter and life. It
marched hand in hand with both metaphysics and physics which included the
phenomena of astrology, astronomy, biology, light, gravity, electrification and
magnetization and more.
The perception of ether grew steadily with science, peaking towards the end
of the 19th century. Luminaries like Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler stated
in 1760, his belief that the ‘luminiferous ether’ which propagates light, also
propagates electrical phenomena. British physicist James Maxwell, the father of
electromagnetic wave theory, forcefully argued for a form of its existence.
It shocked and distressed many persons of science when in 1887 German
born American physicist Albert Abraham Michelson (1852-1931) and American
chemist Edward Morley (1838-1923) announced they had executed the ether.
Michelson believed he had killed it with light rays and an interferometer a decade
earlier while hunting the snark in Berlin, however there was a chance that the
beast was only wounded. To eliminate this possibility he enlisted the services
of Morley, a respected chemist and reputed perfectionist, to repeat the Berlin
experiment with greater precision. At the Case School of Applied Science in
Cleveland Ohio they built a rigid based, (it was literally anchored in bedrock),
altar, aimed their ray gun on it and fired across it.
They reasoned the since the planet Earth was flying though the ether, and
since the ether supported light, then light rays fired in some directions would
prosper over rays in other directions.
The rays however were found to be invariable so they proclaimed the ether
wasn’t there. It didn’t exist any more! It was dead! But it was not erased.
It haemorrhaged in purgatory for about twenty years until Albert Einstein
delivered the coup de grace, sealed it in a relatively heavy sarcophagus and buried
it in the unkempt graveyard of toppled theories. There it suffocates beneath the
suppositions of the ever vigilant ‘Professorial Guards’ and their precursors.
Occasional a maverick would creep in at night and put forget-me-nots on the
grave, but these were quickly withered by the Guard’s fusty breath.
As the 19th century rolled into the 20th and the 20th into the 21st the rebellious
visitors dwindled, but in the heart of hearts of many scientists and all Trekies,
lonely ethereal embers still smoulder waiting for a logical breeze
My logical breeze began with magnetism.
The most irrational thing I was taught in my science class was the direction of magnetism.
I could not accept that when one event to collides with another event at right angles to it,
it creates a third event at right angles to both of them.
My magnetism is a logical Bernoulli event.
Currents in solenoids spin vortexes of magnetism.
Like polar spins attract; opposite polar spins repel.
Like parallel spins repel; opposite parallel spins attract.
Iron filings fall along the eyes of a magnet’s mini-vortexes (vortlets)
each vortlet is tangently anti-parallel to its neighbour vortlet therefore repels it

A: Mini paddlewheel impellers track the central magnetic vortex expanding out from both poles of a coreless coil, then feeding back over its waist.
B:. Suspended mini-impellers representing iron filings are caught in the central major vortex wind, which turns them slowly.
This motion chip-starts battery power to the impeller’s mini motors.
These now generate their own mini vortexes or vortlets;
They spin-feed back into the major vortex, and/or spin out into free Space.
Colored smoke reveals all.
C: Shows iron filings aligned in the eyes of vortlet tunnels like Helmholtz filaments.
Note there are no filament tunnels or lines of force without the presence of iron filings.
D: Shows vortexes remaining independent ‘a’; or melding after a short distance ‘b’.
E: Shows the vortexes remain independently confined between opposite poles.
Experiment A and B can simply demonstrate the fluidity of magnetism in any high school laboratory,
Considering what is spinning implies that Space is real; it has embodiment
Bernoulli magnetism obviates the ridiculous right hand screw rules
for the forces on particles moving through magnetic fields/vortexes.
The forthright simulation of magnetic fields by the impeller vortex experiments
is a convincing physical alternative/proof to Maxwell’s ethereal perpendicular theory.
Conquista Begins with a 200 page page history of physics
which follows events relative to Space
from the ancient Baghdad battery 250BC
to the advent of superconductivity 2000AD,
There are over 70 graphics to illuminate many of the fundamental discoveries.
The Odyssey revisits many of these employing the new direction of magnetism.
‘Fait accomplis’ dangerously imply infallibility.
Particularly in physics they give over-acceptance to events,
forcefully subverting questioning the conclusions or reasons for the event,
even though the data is correct.
Ptolemy’s geocentric model of the solar system
was a ‘fait accompli’ for 14 centuries before Copernicus.
It was so embedded that it persisted for a 100 years after his death
before his heliocentric model was accepted by Cambridge.
When Michaelson and Morley’s demonstration of the constancy of the speed of light ,
it became the ‘fait accompli’ of no ether.
Einstein stamped this in indelible ink with his equivalence principle thought experiment, where a man in a box can’t tell whether he is in a lift in Space,
or the box is stationary on the surface of a planet.
This thought experiment only works if there is no ether because
the man in the lift would have an ether wind streaming
through his head and out through his feet,
whereas if he was on a planet he would just be in denser stationary ether.
Here therefore an ether density lens obviously bends light waves passing a mass
in accord with Huygens.
Maxwell’s laws of magnetism became ‘fait accompli’even though he supported ether.
There is no doubt in their mathematical integrity for mensuration
but that dosn’t stop us from sking why??
and questioning his illogical direction Magnetic fields.
The law of conservation of energy is another ‘fait accompli’.
It states: Energy Can neither be created nor destroyed;
It can only change from one form to another.
It is also known as ‘the first law of thermodynamics’.
We are taught that Coulomb Energy begins or is created in a positive charge
and ends in a negative charce, which obviously contradicts the first law.
In my Cosmos Charges are not divine.
Coulomb energy must flow through charges;
moreover it cannot be created anywhere else on route,
therefore Coulomb Energy must circulate.
New magnetism restructures electromagnetic waves.
When combined with the portals of electric charge we find
the obvious connection of inductance with inertia.
I helps to walk with Coulomb energy before beating the Big Bang Drum.
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Copyrighted with the Library of Congress 2023
Yowah Books is The personal safe website for the works of Blake Taylor
Only Extracts of my work will ever be published on the Internet.
When Gauss died they discovered many unpublished works
which predated existing physics by decades.